Women in perimenopause are more likely to suffer with acute anxiety and stress than at any other stage in life, so living through a pandemic & perimenopause isn't a great combination! A drop in oestrogen has a huge impact on our outlook and resilience levels. Heart palpitations, panic attacks and tightness in the tummy and chest are all ways in which our mental state can also affect us physically. One way of calming ourselves down during the day is to find ways to get ourselves into a 'state of flow'. There have been many studies to show that activities that are intensely experiential (demanding our attention & focus and to be in the moment), with achievement is down to our effort and creatively, greatly enhance our wellbeing.
This is a perfect time to pick a past-time that gets you into a state of flow. So, today I'd like you to choose an activity that helps you lose track of time and forget what's going on outside your home. That might be painting or doodling, calligraphy, playing an instrument, gaming, doing a jigsaw puzzle...don't forget to share your experiences on what you did and how it made you feel.
I love the idea of finding activities that help us enter a state of flow! It’s like raising our rice purity score in a way - embracing those moments of pure focus and joy can really refresh our minds. I think I'll try painting to escape the chaos!